The Art of Inner Knowing: 5 Practices to Awaken Your Intuition

The Art of Inner Knowing: 5 Practices to Awaken Your Intuition

Have you ever just known something without being able to explain how? Like getting a strong feeling not to take a certain road or sensing right away that someone wasn’t trustworthy?

Those feelings come from your intuition.

Intuition is that inner knowing that doesn’t need words or logic to make sense. It’s the gut feeling or instinctive reaction that comes from a deeper place of understanding—one that doesn’t always align with what your logical mind might think. It's an instinctive feeling.

At the time, you just have a feeling and may not be sure why you have it or where it's coming from. Sometimes it's not logical and may go against what our logical mind thinks or wants to do. These thoughts or feelings in our body (especially in our gut) are the intuition's way of communicating with us.

My Intuition Saved My Life

One of the most powerful moments in my life was when intuition literally saved my life. I was driving home from my part-time job in high school. It was very dark night on a two-lane country road in rural Montana and I was tired after a long shift at the restaurant where I worked after school. I saw car lights from a semi-truck coming towards me in the distance.  In my mind, I saw a brief image of a car darting out from behind the semi to pass in my lane. I began to slow almost to a stop, and it was a good thing I did. At a high speed, a tiny sports car did indeed dart around the semi into my lane without warning. If I hadn't listened to that feeling and believed the image in my mind, we would have very likely gotten into an accident. It was still close enough to make my heart rate increase and my body to tense up but I was safe.

Tuning into your intuition is like unlocking a secret compass. It can protect you from harm, steer you in the right direction, and give you confidence in the choices you make—if you’re willing to listen.

Your intuition taps into knowledge from the body, the brain, and also from our "higher self" or inner wisdom. It gives you that feeling of inner "knowing" and allows you to be more confident about our choices in life - that is, when you listen to it.

Once your connected to your intuition, learning to trust it is also important. How many times have you gotten that sinking feeling in your gut that you shouldn't do something and you did it anyway only to regret it later? We all have our own examples. But, we can learn how to partner with our intuition and allow us to serve as a guide for reaching our highest potential.

Here are 5 ways to get you started:

1. Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation is my favorite way to reconnect with my intuition. Even a few minutes each morning can quiet the noise of the day and make space for that inner voice to speak.

By bringing your awareness to the present moment, mindfulness practices like meditation, sound healing, or deep breathing help you tune into your intuition. The more present you are, the clearer that intuitive guidance becomes.

For years, I struggled to maintain a consistent meditation practice—until I discovered Ziva Meditation by Emily Fletcher. The simple, approachable techniques I learned through her Ziva Online course were a game changer. Now, daily meditation has become a grounding ritual that keeps me focused, energized, and deeply connected to my intuition.

Even if you’re just starting out, know that a little goes a long way. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply, be present, and create room for your intuition to speak.

“Don't try to comprehend your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition." ~Madeleine L'Engle, A Wind in the Door

2. Writing

Journaling is a powerful way to clear your mind and connect with your intuition. One practice I swear by is Morning Pages from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way at Work. The idea is simple: every morning, write three pages by hand without overthinking. It doesn’t have to be organized or profound—just let the words flow.

Morning pages are three pages of longhand writing first thing in the morning. Just write down anything that comes to mind without trying to organize it or overthink it. When you've finished your three pages, stop for the day. There is something magical about three pages, it's enough to engage our creativity but not so much that you get lost in introspection. Your writing may even be your "to-do" list for the day but it clears your mind and allows you to relax and focus.

3. Dream journaling

Dreams can be like little postcards from your intuition, offering clues and symbols to guide you. Keep a journal by your bed, and as soon as you wake up, jot down anything you remember—no matter how small or random it feels. Over time, patterns and meanings will start to emerge.

Becoming aware of your dreams and interpreting them can help you improve your intuition. One way to do this is to keep a dream journal next to your bed. As soon as you wake up, record your dreams and any images or symbols that move you. Then, look up the meanings. There are many great websites for dream interpretation, or you can get a book. I like The Dream Interpretation Handbook.

4. Create Art

Creativity is one of the best ways to quiet your mind and let your intuition come through. Whether it’s drawing, painting, singing, or even doodling, it doesn’t have to be perfect—just fun. If you don’t know where to start, grab a coloring book. (I LOVE the Johanna Basford coloring books like Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book.)

Another way to create is to make Five-Minute Art. This is something you can do anytime you feel stuck. Just take five minutes and make art about how you are feeling. Write a poem, draw a picture, sing a song, do a dance, or make something crafty. Don't worry about whether the art is good or not, the point is to enjoy the process and express and release the emotion. Set a timer, have fun, and let go.

5. Follow Your Curiosity  

Curiosity is the compass that leads to our deepest passions and purpose. When you follow what genuinely intrigues and excites you, you align with your intuition. Take note of the activities, subjects, or ideas that captivate your attention and make you lose track of time. Your intuition is whispering to you, urging you to explore those paths. Embrace your curiosity and allow it to guide you toward the next steps on your journey.

Think of curiosity as your intuition’s way of pointing you toward what’s next. What topics, hobbies, or ideas light you up? What have you always wanted to try? Take small steps to explore those interests—you never know where they might lead!

Now It's Your Turn

How do you connect with your intuition? Do you have any experiences either listening (or not listening) to your intuition? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below.

Monica Bourgeau

Monica Bourgeau is a Purpose & Livelihood Coach, and award-winning author who is passionate about helping soulful women reconnect with their intuition and create meaningful lives. When she’s not coaching or writing, Monica loves exploring nature, practicing sound healing with her crystal bowls, enjoying yoga, or relaxing with her rescue dogs and family. She believes in the power of everyday magic and that we all have a unique role in making the world a better, more compassionate place.


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